In between delivering food the weight of almost two Airbus A320 passenger planes (see previous news item), our hardworking EFA team also finds time to rest and play. On 14th September, thanks to an invitation from Topsham Rugby Club, and with the expert coaching of EFA volunteer, Dave Turner, a group comprising volunteers, friends, staff and a trustee, boldly went where none had gone before and took to the pitch for an evening taster session of walking rugby.
Although slightly daunted at playing alongside the wonderfully named Topsham Fossils, winners of the inaugural 2018 Devon Walking Rugby Festival, the 2019 National Vintage Games, the 2022 Crediton Fun Cup, the 2022 Crediton Fair Play Award and the 2022 Withycombe WR Cup, thanks to Dave’s patient tuition our team fared well, and no injuries were sustained.
Walking Rugby is one of England Rugby’s non-contact formats of the game and, much to our team’s delight, all slightly anxious at the prospect of the bruises, bumps and scary looking scrums seen in proper rugby, walking rugby’s quite different. There’s no tackling, no scary scrums, no line outs and no kicking, just ‘touch’ tackles, with the game played on a much smaller pitch and participants walking at all times. It was all about fitness and fun, and fun was had by all.
Huge thanks to Topsham Rugby Club for the opportunity. We’ll be back!